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    6 foods you should never feed your dog

    Although it’s hard to resist feeding our four-legged friends whatever they want, there is a point at which you need to say no. In fact, there are a number of foods which dogs should not consume at all. Some seemingly innocent foods can cause anything from vomiting to irregular heartbeats and even death.

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    Is Pest Control Safe for my Pet?

    The safety of your family pet is incredibly important. But getting rid of pests is also necessary for a healthy home. So how do you balance the two and is pest control harmful to your pets? We take a look at the impact of pest control on your pets:

  • Kids Korner

    Cockroaches Communicate Through Poo

    Yep, just when you thought there wasn’t anything more to know about cockroaches, along comes a new study. A recent study has now found an intriguing fact about the cockroach poop.

  • Bug Facts
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    Cure All- Australia’s most unusual pests

    Australia is known across the world as a country where the wildlife is out to get you. While this may be true of some animals in Australia, it certainly doesn’t ring true for all of them. We’ve collected a list of some fascinating insects and animals that are native to Australia. You’ll be surprised to know they’re not all as deadly as they seem!

  • Kids Korner

    Bugs and craft: Egg carton caterpillar

    This super simple caterpillar will keep the kids occupied and provide them with an interactive way to learn about caterpillars.

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    Dung Beetles Take Pictures of the Sky

    There are certain skills that we as humans take for granted. One of those skills is navigation. Even with this ability we have extra tools which aid us in our adventures- we have cars, maps and GPS. But have you ever stopped to think how insects find their way?

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    How to Deal With Mould in Your Home

    A warm, moist environment, like we have in Queensland, makes perfect growing conditions for mould. A type of fungi, mould, can be fast growing with patches appearing after a day of rain in bathrooms, cupboards, ceilings, household items and clothes. Keeping on top mould is a good idea because as well as triggering asthma and allergies, it’s not particularly healthy to have it in your home.

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    Why do Cats Stretch so Much?

    Our family cats are intriguing characters and their daily habits are usually a topic of interest for all. One of the main habits of our furry friends is stretching. But why do they need to constantly stretch?

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    Preparing for Winter Pests

    There is a perception that pest occurrence slows down in the cooler months. However, this is not the case, many pests simply stick around all year round whilst others come and go during the seasons. So what are the pests you need to look out for during winter and how do you prepare for them?

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