Spring Cleaning Your Home

Spring Cleaning Your Home
October 20, 2014 Cure All Pest Control

Spring Cleaning Your Home


Now is the ideal time to give your home a dramatic clean. Clear out all the unused clutter, donate old clothes to charity and make sure that your home is free from stored dust, old spider webs and unwanted pests.


Unpack all of the cupboards, especially ones containing food, and wipe down the interior with a sanitising spray. Store all food in airtight plastic or glass containers before packing it back into the cupboards. Use a vacuum cleaner to reach all the hidden spots where old food can be attracting unwanted ants and cockroaches. Give the oven a thorough clean with an approved oven cleaner, but be sure to wear a safety mask and read the instructions carefully.


Clean the inside of your drawers and cupboard, and then wipe with cedar wood oil. This will eliminate any moths that may have moved in during the cold winter months. Silverfish are also commonly found in bedrooms and are renowned for damaging clothes and books. Make sure that you keep cupboards well aerated to eliminate damp conditions. 

Remove all linen from your mattress and vacuum the mattress thoroughly to remove dust mites. If you are able to carry your mattress outside, sunlight and fresh air is very beneficial in aerating the mattress and preventing dust-related allergies.


It is recommended to apply a strong cleaning agent onto every surface of the bathroom and leaving it to soak in for 15 minutes before rinsing it off. Make sure that you check the ingredients of your cleaning agents as bleach should only be used on tiled and porcelain areas. It is not suitable for any wooden fittings or natural stone products. Also remember to use separate cleaning clothes for the bathroom. To eliminate the spread of germs, don’t use the cloths you used in the bathroom anywhere else in the house.

Living Area

Sofas and upholstered chairs are often forgotten during the cleaning process. They are used daily and therefore hide a lot of dirt, and yes, dust mites and dead skin cells. Rather than purchasing expensive cleaning equipment, opt for renting a carpet-cleaning machine that has upholstery attachments. You can then easily clean your carpets and your furniture for the same rental fee. This should be done at least twice a year.

Move all stationary furniture to clean any crumbs and accumulated dust from underneath. Make sure that you vacuum the skirtings as a lot of dust gets trapped and this will also be a clear way to detect a possible termite infestation.

Pets need to be bathed and groomed regularly as they can bring fleas and ticks into your home. Make sure that they are brushed regularly as they will be malting now as the weather gets warmer.

A good spring clean really makes your home feel healthier and happier. It might seem like a lot of hard work, but if you just focus on one section of your house at a time, you’ll be relaxing in a beautifully clean home again sooner than you think!

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