Can ultrasonic sound machines repel pests?

Can ultrasonic sound machines repel pests?
November 15, 2015 Cure All Pest Control


Ultrasonic sound devices have saturated our stores, claiming that by one simple flick of a switch your home will be protected from nasty pests like rodents, cockroaches and mosquitoes. A fantastic invention, but do they actually work?

In 2012 one of the world’s most prestigious advertising awards went to a Brazilian radio station that claimed that because they broadcast in such a high frequency (15kHz) that listening to their station could also double as a mosquito repellent. The frequency, they claimed, was so high that humans could not hear it and it didn’t affect normal broadcasting. Thus, “Repellent Radio” argued that if you stayed close to your radio you would no longer be hassled by mosquitoes.

Another fantastically bizarre invention, with one problem, scientists say ultrasonic pest repellents are nonsense.

An article by the BBC takes a look into a 2010 review article that examined 10 field studies in which ultrasonic repellent products were put through their paces. The article concluded that the products, “have no effect on preventing mosquito bites and should not be used.” It even went on to say that given the significant negative findings it would not even be worthwhile to conduct further research.

Furthermore, in 2001, the Federal Trade Commission in America sent warning letters to more than 60 manufacturers of ultrasonic pest repellents whose claims were seen not to be in compliance with the FTA Act, which prohibits false and deceptive advertising.

There is even less data on how well ultrasonic repellent machines work concerning rodents. In fact, rodents rapidly become accustomed to repeated sounds so even after they have fled the area they gradually realise the repellent isn’t dangerous and return to the location. Ultrasound is also blocked by intervening walls and objects such as furniture creating areas where rats and cockroaches can retreat for sensory shelter.

With all the facts stacked up it can be seen that these ultrasonic repellents are at best a temporary solution. By why risk the health of your family or the enjoyment of your home with a quick fix? Cure All can provide a long term solution without the risk.

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