A little bit about: Ants

A little bit about: Ants
February 10, 2015 Cure All Pest Control

A little bit about: Ants

bit-about-antsAnts are social insects that live in permanent nests/colonies in soil, wood and lawn. They are also commonly found around foundations and in walls, kitchens, roof voids, gardens, wood of decaying trees and rockeries.

Ants form part of the insect family Formicidae and are closely related to wasps and bees. Worldwide, there are over 15 000 ant species and subspecies, and Australia is currently home to over 3000 different species.

Some of the most common species in Australia include:

  • Argentine ants
  • Black House ants
  • Bulldog ants
  • Coastal Brown ants
  • Garden ants
  • Ghost ants
  • Green ants
  • Pavement ants
  • Pharaoh’s ants
  • White-footed house ants

Each species has different characteristics; different threats to humans and urban dwellings; and therefore each require different extermination methods. The Black House ant for example is regarded as a nuisance as it will scavenge in kitchens, garbage bins and dog faeces, which thus results in the risk of spreading diseases such as salmonella. The Bulldog ant is extremely aggressive and will attack if its nest is disturbed. The Green ant inflicts a very painful sting that can result in an allergic reaction.

Ants form colonies that can range from only a few dozen ants to larger, more robust colonies comprising over a million ants. Larger colonies consist mostly of sterile, wingless females forming social orders of workers and soldiers. Each colony also includes several fertile males known as drones and one fertile female queen. Ant colonies are highly effective operations that have long been researched for their unified working system that far surpasses that of any other insect species.

Ants communicate by leaving a trail of pheromones that can then be followed by other ants. In species that forage in groups, a forager that finds food marks a trail on the way back to the colony; this trail is followed by other ants, these ants then reinforce the trail when they head back with food to the colony. Successful trails are followed by more ants, reinforcing better routes and gradually identifying the best path.

When an ant is crushed, a strong warning pheromone is released. Rather than causing the colony to flee, this warning pheromone actually attracts the colony.

Large colonies can create a lot of unnecessary damage around your home. They damage furnishings, curtains and carpets from the debris from their workings and nests causing staining. They can also spoil foodstuffs by entering packaging or feeding off uncovered foods.

Externally they can cause problems by undermining concreted, paved and grass areas causing sections to collapse.

At Cure All, we understand the importance of keeping your home ant free. Our experts tailor any treatment plan according to:

  • the particular species of ant
  • the type of property needing treatment
  • the degree of infestation
  • the individual needs of the property owner

While ants form an integral part of nature’s ecosystem, we are also mindful of using environmentally friendly methods to not disrupt the natural biodiversity surrounding your home or office. Contact our team of experts today to discuss how we can successfully eliminate any ant infestations.

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