World’s Deadliest Animals

World’s Deadliest Animals
January 25, 2016 Cure All Pest Control


Traditional predators such as grizzly bears, lions and sharks certainly inspire fear in us. But the number of people killed each year by these wild animals pales in comparison to the deadliest killer of all, the humble mosquito, responsible for around 725,000 deaths annually. Here are some more of the world’s deadliest animals, a few of which may surprise you.

Cone Snail

The cone snail is found in tropical and subtropical seas around that world and looks harmless enough, but it is in fact extremely poisonous. There are 600 species of cone snail, but the ones that are most deadly to humans are the larger ones that are prey on bottom-dwelling fish by lashing out with a kind of barbed harpoon from the head. Cone snails are best handled with care or given a wide berth as the venom can be fatal.

Box Jellyfish

Queenslanders should be well aware of the dangers of the box jellyfish which inhabit the coastline from November to May. There are a number of species, which all dangerous if you come into contact with them, but most fatalities in Australia are caused by the Chironex fleckeri. The venom of this species causes cardiovascular collapse and death within minutes.  


Another deadly Australian sea creature is the stonefish, which emits a neurotoxic venom from its needle-like dorsal fins. A sting is extremely painful and could cost you a limb or your life. Stonefish are incredibly well camouflaged, so they are difficult to see, and people often make the mistake of stepping on them. They can also survive out of water for 24 hours, so stings commonly occur on beaches.

Rabid Dogs

Rabies transmitted by dog bites cause the death of an estimated 40,000 people a year, albeit this is mostly in India and Africa where there are lots of stray dogs. But this is still a crazy amount of people when you consider that statistically sharks are much more feared and only kill 10 people annually.


Although they are  popular in zoos and strictly a herbivore, in the wild hippopotamuses are known to be highly aggressive and very dangerous. Hippo bulls are very territorial and command sections of a river. They charge boats, destroy vehicles, gauge people to death and all with no provocation. They simply don’t like humans, so you don’t want to be anywhere near one when it goes on the rampage.


There’s no insect more annoying in summer than the bloodsucking mosquito but, despite their tiny size, these are depicted as the most dangerous animal in the world. Mosquitoes transmit a host of deadly diseases, including encephalitis, dengue fever and the most common, malaria. The majority of deaths are in Africa where, the World Health Organisation says, a child dies from Malaria every 30 seconds. A truly scary beast.