How to Protect Your Home This Winter

How to Protect Your Home This Winter
June 28, 2023 Cure All Pest Control

As the seasons change in Brisbane and the Gold Coast, so do the behaviours of common household pests. Colder weather means some critters will start looking for warmer shelter and easy access to food – which often means sneaking into homes. You need to be proactive to protect your property from unwanted visitors this winter.

Termites, cockroaches, rodents, and fleas are particularly active during the colder months. Their activity ramps up as they search for sources of warmth and nutrition. If you don’t take preventative measures now, you could face damage, health issues, and costly repairs down the track. By implementing a few simple pest control tips, you can shield your home from these seasonal home invaders and have peace of mind all winter long. Staying vigilant and addressing potential entry points before pests become a problem is key.

The change of season is inevitable, but a pest infestation doesn’t have to be. Take action today to safeguard your home this winter and keep unwanted critters out in the cold where they belong. With the right precautions taken, you can curl up on the couch with a warm cup of tea, knowing your property is protected from the elements outside – both natural and pestilent.

How to Protect Your Home This Winter-brisbane-gold-coast-pest-control

Why Pests Become More Active in Winter

As the weather cools down in winter, pests don’t actually become more active, they actually become less active. So why is it that several homeowners take particular notice of pests in winter? Well, that’s because they’re trying to get inside your home. 

Rodents like mice and rats are looking for warm, dry places to nest, and may find their way into homes through small cracks or holes. Their droppings and nesting materials can spread diseases, so seal up any entry points to keep them out.

Insects also seek refuge indoors. Cockroaches, for example, need access to food sources and moisture. Make sure to store food in airtight containers and fix any leaks to eliminate access to water. Spider populations often explode in winter as they move inside, so vacuum frequently and check corners and ceilings where webs may form.

By taking some time to winter-proof your home, you can avoid the hassle and health hazards associated with a pest invasion. Cure All Pest Control has over 50 years of experience helping Brisbane and Gold Coast residents implement effective solutions in pest management. Don’t let the winter chill bring unwanted guests – take action today!

Top 5 Winter Pests to Watch Out for in Brisbane and the Gold Coast

As the weather cools down in Brisbane and the Gold Coast, some unwelcome guests may try to make their way into your home. Be on the lookout for these top 5 winter pests:

  • Rodents like mice and rats. With less available food sources outside, rodents will scavenge for shelter and scrounge around homes. Look for droppings, chew marks, and burrows as signs of infestation. Seal any cracks or holes leading inside and set traps or baits to eliminate them.
  • Cockroaches become more active indoors during winter. The most common types are German and American cockroaches. Identify them by their oval shape and long antennae. Prevent access to food sources and moisture, and apply residual insecticides to cracks and crevices.
  • Fleas and ticks may infest homes as pets spend more time inside. Check your pets regularly for these blood-sucking pests and apply prevention like flea medication. Vacuum frequently and wash all bedding weekly in hot, soapy water to eliminate infestations.
  • Drain flies or moth flies congregate around sinks, drains, and pipes. Pour boiling water down drains weekly or apply a commercial drain gel to eliminate larvae and prevent adults from emerging inside. Fix any leaky pipes or drains to remove access to moisture.

By watching out for these common winter pests, sealing any entry points, eliminating access to food and water sources, and applying targeted pest control methods, you can protect your home this season. Cure All Pest Control has over 50 years of experience providing effective pest management solutions to South East Queensland homes.

How to Protect Your Home This Winter-brisbane-gold-coast-pest-control-cockroach

How to Prevent and Control Rodents in Winter

As the seasons change in Brisbane and on the Gold Coast, rodents like mice and rats may try to find their way into your home for food and shelter. The best way to prevent an infestation is by eliminating access points and food sources.

Seal any cracks or holes

Inspect the exterior of your home for any cracks or holes in foundations, rooflines, sidings, or openings around pipes and wires. Seal them using caulk, weatherstripping, wire mesh or repair damaged screens to eliminate entry points. Rodents can squeeze through openings as small as 1⁄4 inch in diameter.

Store food in airtight containers

Keep all food in your home in airtight containers with locking lids, especially grains, nuts, and pet food. Rodents are attracted to easily accessible food sources. Wipe up any crumbs or spills right away.

Use traps or baits if needed

You may need to use traps or baits to eliminate existing rodent problems. Snap traps, electronic traps or glue boards can be effective. Baits containing poison or rodenticides should only be used with extreme caution to avoid harming children, pets or wildlife. It’s best to try non-toxic methods first before using baits. If baits and traps don’t work, you’ll more than likely need to hire a professional pest control expert. 

  • Set multiple traps or baits, at least 2 feet apart along walls in areas where you see signs of rodent activity.
  • Place them adjacent to walls, with the bait end against the wall. Rodents tend to travel next to vertical surfaces.
  • Check traps regularly and dispose of any caught rodents promptly.
  • Look for entry points around where you place the traps and seal them to prevent more rodents from getting in.

By taking a proactive approach to rodent-proofing your home and eliminating easy access to food sources, you’ll make your home far less habitable for mice and rats. Be diligent in your prevention efforts, especially in the winter and spring seasons when rodents are most active seeking shelter and breeding spots. Staying on top of any issues will help ensure they do not become a bigger problem.

Why DIY Solutions Often Don’t Work

DIY pest control often only provides temporary solutions.

As a homeowner, it can be tempting to try and handle a pest problem yourself to save money and time. However, DIY pest control methods frequently fail to eliminate infestations fully. Pests like termites, rodents, and cockroaches are resilient and adept at avoiding temporary measures.

Pests require professional treatment.

Professional exterminators have the proper training, experience, and tools to thoroughly get rid of pests. They can determine the source and scale of an infestation, then develop a comprehensive treatment plan to eliminate the current pests and prevent future ones. Professionals also have access to stronger pesticides and baits that aren’t available for consumer use.

DIY mistakes can worsen problems.

When homeowners attempt their own pest control, they often make mistakes that allow pests to return and infestations to spread. Things like improper pesticide usage, missing entry points or nesting spots, and using the wrong treatment method for the pest type. These errors frequently end up costing more money and time to fix than if a professional was hired initially.

Professionals provide warranties and guarantees.

Reputable pest control companies will guarantee their services and retreat if pests come back. They have a vested interest in fully eliminating infestations, or their business suffers. DIY methods have no such guarantees, and if they fail, the homeowner is back to square one.

In summary, while DIY pest control may seem an easy solution, it rarely solves problems fully and often creates bigger issues down the road. For the most effective, long-lasting pest elimination, hiring a professional exterminator is highly recommended. Their expertise and resources will ensure pests are eradicated completely the first time.


As you head into the colder months, be vigilant about protecting your home. Do routine inspections for signs of pest activity and damage, set traps or baits if needed, and seal up any cracks or crevices leading inside. The changing of the seasons often drives pests indoors in search of food and shelter. Don’t give them the opportunity.

With some preventative measures and staying on guard, you can rest assured knowing your home is protected from unwanted guests this winter. Be proactive and address issues early before they become infestations. And if problems persist, don’t hesitate to call in professional pest control services. Your home is your haven, so do what it takes to defend it against the elements and keep it critter-free all season long. Stay cosy, Brisbane and Gold Coast, and happy hibernating! The warmer days will be back before you know it.